我還滿喜歡這本書的, 作者不囉唆, 直接講重點, 並提供例句, 讓讀者清楚他在講什麼.
前面說因為書名我才買這本書, 因為"全部回覆"這件事一直困擾我. 我很不喜歡收到把一大堆人CC 進來這種email, 可想而知我很討厭全部回覆這件事. 至於它為什麼困擾我, 因為曾經有一次我的部門主管沒有reply all, 被老闆在 email 裡斥責沒禮貌. 當時我很納悶, 難道沒有reply all 就是沒有禮貌嗎(應該是沒我的事卻把我CC 進去才沒禮貌吧)? 所以我想要知道收到這種CC 一大堆人的email到底要不要全部回覆?
Tip 1:
作者說如果你是必需回應的那個人, 而只有寄件者需要知道你的回覆(應)的話, 只要回覆給寄件者就好. 比如下面7種情況...
1. 恭喜對方.(Congrats!)
2. 謝謝對方(Thank you.)
3. 我同意.(I agree.)
4. 請把我從收件人中移除.(Please remove me from this mailing list.)
5. LOL
6. +1
7. 有關這個議題/主題, 請不要全部回覆.(Please stop replying-all to this thread.)
Tip 2:
在回信的開頭就提醒收件人, 你把哪(個)些人從收件清單裡移除了.(可能為了保密或有些人與這個議題無關.)
Tip 3:
如果email 在討論一件持續在進行的事(案子), 如果這中間有因為面對面的討論而有新進度, 那就需要透過email再更新給有關人員.
Tip 4:
這本書提到了18 個email 技巧, 我把它列在下面, 有興趣可以參考.
#1: Assign tasks in an email using the “3Ws”
Every action should have a clear Who, What, and When.
#2: Write the perfect subject line
Summarize your email, use prefix modifiers, and don’t change the subject line unless the subject changes.
#3: TL;DR- Write emails that are five sentences or less
Know what you really want first, and then get to that point at the top of your email.
#4: Break the long emails into two parts
Label the two parts “Quick Summary” and “Details”.
#5: Make your emails scannable.Use bullet points, subheadings, white space, highlights and bold text.
#6: Show instead of tell by attaching screenshots.
Use them to give someone instructions or to highlight slides in a deck.
#7: Spell out time zones, dates, and acronyms.
Be very specific and don’t make any assumptions.
#8: Use “If…then…” sentences.For increasing accountability, setting expectations, and giving clarity on text steps.
#9: Present options instead of asking open-ended questions.
State “Do you think we should do A, B, or C?” instead of “What do you think about this?”
#10: Re-read your email once for a content check.
Review it for incorrect responses, misquoted dates, or wrong facts.
#11: Save drafts of repetitive emails.Use email templates for your weekly and monthly updates to improve communication.
#12: Write it now, send it later. Using delay delivery.
Send emails when they’re most likely to be read.
#13: Don’t reply all (unless you absolutely have to).
Don’t use reply all when only the original sender needs to read your message.
#14: Reply to questions inline.
List questions on separate lines and use different color fonts.
Make your acknowledgements meaningful instead of just saying “OK”.
#16: Read the latest email on a thread
before responding.
Sort by subject line or use conversation threading.
#17: Write the perfect out-of-office(OOO)
auto reply.Sort by subject line or use conversation threading.
Include everything your recipient needs to know you’re away.
#18: Share the rules of email ahead of time.
Set up a short meeting with your team to agree on email best practices.
不過話說回來, 在本地, 老闆們特別喜歡把 email 寄給全公司員工, 所以如果你是需要回覆的那位苦主, 我覺得還是全部回覆比較保險.