
2013年2月19日 星期二




我們來看看“Kick your fat in the nuts”的作者對這個是怎麼說的,
Tell me this, where in the human body is there a high temperature oven? Or even a flame if we’re comparing to those calorimeters that burn food using a flame. … This method is so far from human physiology, it’s a joke.



Calorie experts tell us that a calorie is a calorie. They tell us that the unit of energy measured by a calorie in broccoli is the same as a calorie found in banana cream pie. Yes, that is true when looking at a petri dish found in a lab. The problem is, human are not a petri dish and we all process those calories differently. Therefore, it’s not about the calories that you consume. It’s about your body’s ability to turn those calories into fuel. If your body has a problem processing carbohydrates, or fats, or properly digesting protein, those foods are not converted to energy according to the number of calories they contain. If we all processed foods the same way, this calories in calories out formula would be a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, we all process food differently and this calorie counting method is just one more idea that confuses and frustrates those who can’t lose weight.



1 則留言:

  1. 同意"減肥就是要做到消耗的比吃進去的(熱量)多,其實更重要的是你吃了什麼"。去年瘦到變人乾精是我過25歲後做夢都想不到的體重,表示與其計較吃了多少東西, 不如多吃點非加工食品的食物。這也是我今年開始如果有空就自己動手備餐的原因之一。
