A teacher addresses a student and asks: "How many kidneys do we have?"
"Four!", the student responds.
"Four? Haha..." The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students and demoralizing them.
"Bring a bundle of grass, because we have an ass in the room." The teacher orders a frontbencher.
"And for me, a coffee!" the student added.
The teacher was furious and expelled the student from the room.
By the way, the student was the humorist Aparicio Torelly Aporelly (1895-1971), better known as the "Baron de Itarare."
On his way out of the classroom, the student still dared to correct the furious teacher:
"You asked me how many kidneys 'we have'. We have four: two of mine and two of yours. 'We have' is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass."
"順便帶杯咖啡給我" 該名惹怒老師的學生補充道。
(註:該名學生是巴西著名的幽默記者及作家Aparicio Torelly Aporelly。)
"你問我 '我們有' 多少個腎臟。我們有四個:兩個是我的,兩個是你的。'我們有'(we have)是用於複數的表達方式。好好享受你的草吧!"
如果以英文文法正確性來看的話,學生的答案是對的。但如果不挑老師語病的話,一般人應該都會理解老師的問題以及他要的答案。我相信 Aparicio Torelly Aporell 是故意要氣老師的。