2023年7月14日 星期五


有一台電梯正停在一樓, 裡面包括我在內有5個人. 電梯上到二樓時, 1個人走出電梯, 2個人進了電梯, 電梯到三樓時, 3個人出來, 5個人進去, 電梯到四樓時, 沒有人出來, 有12個人進去, 接著電梯繼續往上, 中途電梯纜線突然斷掉, 電梯直接墜落到一樓, 除了我外, 電梯裡的人無一生還.

An elevator is on the ground floor. There are five people in the elevator including me. When the lift reaches the first floor, one person gets out and two people get in. The lift goes up to the second floor, three people get out, five people get in. It then goes up to the next floor up, no-one gets out but 12 people get in. Halfway up to the next floor up the elevator cable snaps, it crashes to the floor. Everyone else dies in the elevator except me. How did I survive?

Answer: I got off on the first floor. 

 答案: 我在一樓就走出電梯了.

