2023年7月18日 星期二


這篇讀者文摘文章裡提到50個跟科學有關但不知道不會怎樣的小知識, 其中幾個實在出乎我意料, 來看看.

首先, 簡單題有十題, 印象深刻的有,

4. 世界上長最高的草叫什麼名字?


4. Trivia question: What is the name of the tallest grass on earth?

Answer: Bamboo.


答案: 竹子 (竹子竟然是草!!)



5. Trivia question:  Which is the most abundant element in the universe?

Answer: Hydrogen.


答案: 氫. 

這題我答氮, 因為我把題目想成大氣組成中最多的氣體.

8. 飛機能逆向飛嗎?


8. Trivia question: Can an airplane go in reverse?

Answer: Yes.


答案: 可以



9. Trivia question: Does sound travel faster in the air or in water?

Answer: Water.


答案 :在水中

接下來 11~20是較難的問題,

11. 世界上最大的沙漠是哪個?


11. Trivia question: What is the largest desert in the world?

Answer: It’s not the Sahara, but actually Antarctica!


答案: 不是沙哈拉沙漠喔, 而是南極沙漠.

14. 鑽石恆久遠嗎?


Answer: No. Diamonds do not last forever. They’ll eventually degrade to graphite, though the process takes over a billion years.


答案: 非也, 鑽石不會永久保存不變, 它終究會衰退成石墨, 只是退化過程得經歷個十億年吧!

20. 粉筆是什麼做成的?


20. Trivia question: What is chalk made of?

Answer: It comes from limestone, which formed from the shells of tiny marine animals.


答案: 粉筆的原料是石灰石, 而石灰石也就是碳酸鈣, 而碳酸鈣主要是取自淡菜的殼.

(註: 粉筆的原料也可以是石膏, 也就是硫酸鈣)


21. 熱水跟冷水, 哪個比較快結凍?


21. Trivia question: Which freezes faster, hot water or cold water?

Answer: Hot water freezes faster than cold, known as the Mpemba effect.


答案: 熱水, 這就是所謂彭巴效應.

(註: 彭巴效應是指, 同質量同冷卻條件下, 溫度略高的液體會比溫度略低的液體先結冰.

22. 五大洲中, 在哪一洲你看不到蜜蜂?


22. Trivia question: On what continent will you not find bees?

Answer: Antarctica.


答案: 南極洲.

27. 金魚的記憶有多久?


27. Trivia question: How long is the memory of a goldfish?

Answer: Most people would say that goldfish only have a three-second memory. However, their memories actually last for several days.


答案: 你答 3秒嗎? 錯了, 其實牠們的記憶可長達數天, 甚至上把個月.

29. 鯊魚有多少根骨頭?


29. Trivia question: How many bones do sharks have in their bodies?

Answer: Zero! Instead, they have powerful, flexible cartilage.


答案: 零. 鯊魚沒有骨頭, 但卻有非常有力, 且富有彈性的軟骨.


32. 當減肥成功時, 我們的脂肪是怎麼離開我們的身體的?

32. Trivia question:How does fat leave your body when you lose weight?

Answer: Through your sweat, urine, and breath.

答案: 從汗, 尿, 以及呼吸中排掉的.


42. 從外太空看得到中國長城嗎?

42. Trivia question:Can humans see the Great Wall of China from space?

Answer: No. Unless you’re in low orbit “under a specific set of weather and lighting conditions,” according to Scientific American. Unfortunately, the Great Wall’s composition of clay and stone simply blends in too much to the surrounding landscape for anyone to make it out with an unaided eye from orbit.

答案: 不行, 除非你是在低軌道且氣候與光線條件都適合的狀況下.

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