2023年7月12日 星期三



你正在走迷宮, 此時遇到了 三道門, 左邊的門通往火山口, 中間的門會通到致命的毒氣室, 右邊那道門則會遇到一隻肚子餓了三個月的獅子.



You’re escaping a maze, and there are three doors in front of you. The door on the left leads to a pit of lava. The door in the center leads to a room filled with deadly gas. The door on the right leads to a lion that hasn’t eaten in three months. Which door do you choose?

Answer: The door on the right. A lion that hasn’t eaten in three months would be dead.


答案: 右邊的門, 因為三個月沒吃東西的獅子應該已經死了.

