2024年4月10日 星期三


席妮告訴媽媽學校的體操隊這週末舉辦營會, 要過夜. 媽媽認為席妮在說謊, 她覺得席妮應該是要去跟男朋友渡週末, 但媽媽什麼都沒說, 而且還幫席妮打包好行李.

週末過去了, 席妮回來後跟媽媽抱怨, 說媽媽忘了幫她帶牙刷. 這時媽媽就證實了席妮的確騙了她. 媽媽是怎麼知道的?

Syndey told her mom that her gymnastic team would go to a sports camp for the weekend. Her mother thought that this was a lie and Sydney would spend the weekend with her boyfriend instead. In spite of that, she helped her daughter pack her bag and didn’t say a word.

When Sydney came back from her weekend away, she complained to her mom that she had forgotten to pack a toothbrush. That is when the mother knew that Sydney was lying. But how?


媽媽的確有幫席妮帶牙刷, 只是她把牙刷放在席妮的體操服下面, 如果席妮真的是去體操營, 她就會看到牙刷了.

