2024年4月2日 星期二

動動腦- 推理系列-毒酒篇

瑪莉莎與茱麗安一起去酒吧喝酒. 兩個人點了一樣的酒, 茱麗安非常渴, 在瑪莉莎連一杯都還沒喝完時就喝了五杯.

後來發現這酒被下毒了, 結果瑪莉莎死了, 茱麗安卻沒死, 為什麼?

Marissa and Juliana went out for drinks together. They ordered the same drink. Juliana was really thirsty and finished five in the time it took Marissa to finish one. The drinks were poisoned, but only Marissa died. How?



有毒的是冰塊, 茱麗安喝很快, 快到冰塊都沒時間融化就乾杯了. 瑪莉莎慢慢喝, 冰塊有時間融化在酒裡, 所以中毒死了.

The poison was in the ice. Since Marissa’s ice had time to melt, she was poisoned but Juliana wasn’t.

