2024年3月23日 星期六


你被查理邀請去他家參加派對, 但你從沒去過他家.

查理有 7 位朋友就住在他附近, 這 7 位朋友向你描述了他們家與查理家的相對位置位:

請依這些朋友的描述答出查理家是圖中的哪一間? (這題較沒那麼簡單)

  • 丹尼爾說: 從我家無法看到貝妮塔的家, 因為葛蕾塔家擋在我們兩家中間.
  • 亞當說: 我家在丹尼爾家正對面.
  • 貝妮塔說: 艾琳娜住我家西側.
  • 艾琳娜說: 我必需跨過三條街才會到法蘭柯家.
  • 哈爾說: 我家在貝妮塔家東側.

You’ve been invited to a party at Charlie’s house, but you’ve never been there. He has seven friends who live nearby. They’ve given you a map showing all of their houses and Charlie’s house, along with the following information:

  • Daniel: I can’t see Benita’s house, because Greta’s house is in the way.
  • Adam: I live directly (not diagonally) across the street from Daniel.
  • Benita: Elena lives due west of me.
  • Elena: I have to cross three streets to walk to Franco’s house.
  • Hal: I live east of Benita.

Can you figure out which house is Charlie’s?


Answer: House E.

答案是 房子E

