2024年3月19日 星期二

2024 動動腦 之六

不會玩牌的我, 這題原文看了 N 次才搞懂.

四張不同花色撲克牌蓋起來排成一列在桌上, 四張撲克牌的點數是 3, 4, 5, 6.(不照順序)
  *在點數4 兩側的牌是黑色的.
  *梅花在撲克牌點數3的右方, 但不在它(點數3)隔壁.
  *中間兩張點數加起來是偶數, 而且不是梅花.


Four playing cards, one of each suit, lie face down on a table. They are a three, a four, a five, and a six.

  • The cards on either side of the four are black.
  • The club is to the right of the three but not next to it.
  • The spade is to the left of the heart.
  • The middle two cards add up to an even number. Neither of them is a club.

Can you determine the cards’ suits and their order?


Answer: From left to right: Three of diamonds, six of spades, four of hearts, five of clubs. 

從左到右: 方塊 3, 黑桃 6, 紅心 4, 梅花 5.

