2024年3月14日 星期四

2024動動腦 之三

紅, 灰, 藍, 黑 四支隊伍參與循環賽, 每支隊伍都會與另外三隊比賽一次, 所以一共有六場比賽. 比賽結果統計如下:





The Reds, the Grays, the Blues, and the Blacks have a round-robin tournament. Each team plays each other team once, for a total of six games.

  • The Blacks won more games than the Blues.
  • The Grays lost more games than the Blues.
  • The Reds tied the Blacks. (This was the only tie in the tournament.)

Who won the game between the Reds and the Blues?


Answer: Red (紅隊)

