2024年3月12日 星期二

2024 動動腦 之一


A woman lives on the 30th floor and hates taking the stairs. Every day she takes the elevator down to the lobby floor to go to work. When she comes home from work, she takes the elevator to the 20th floor and walks the rest of the way up, except on days when it rains. Those days she takes the elevator all the way home. Why does she walk the last ten flights of stairs if she hates it so much?

有個女生住在第 30 樓, 她很討厭走樓梯. 每天她出門都是直接搭電梯到一樓再去上班, 下班回來時她會搭到第 20 樓再走樓梯上到 30 樓, 除非是下雨天, 如果是下雨天, 她會直接搭電梯上到第 30 樓.

請問, 如果她討厭走樓梯, 為什麼只搭電梯到第 20 樓再走 10 層樓回家呢?


Answer: The woman is too petite to reach the button for the 30th floor. She can only reach the 20th floor button. On days when it rains, she uses her umbrella to hit the button for the 30th floor.

答案: 這女生很矮, 摸不到第 30 樓的按鈕, 只能按到第 20 樓的按鈕. 遇到下雨天, 她就可以用她的傘去按第 30 樓的按鈕.

