2023年12月28日 星期四


今天來做常識測驗吧! 這個測驗主要是測我們的認知能力(cognitive ability), 不是我們去常講的那種智力(IQ)測驗. 所以不用太在意這個結果, 就把它當作是遊戲.

連結在這裡. 如果是選擇題, 當你選了答案後會自動跳出答案, 不用按 Enter 鍵或下一步.

它是英文的, 測試題使用的英文都很簡單, 而且沒有時間限制, 所以你可以查生字. 

如果對英文真的有心魔, 下面有題目翻譯. 

共有 17 題. 

1)   What is the next number in the sequence: 1, 4, 9, 16, ___?

(中) 1, 4, 9, 16, 接著是什麼數字?

2)   If all gizmos are gadgets, and some gadgets are widgets, which of the following statements is true?

(中) 如果所有的gizmos都是gadget, 而有些 gadget 是widget, 請問下面哪句是正確的?(這是邏輯題, 不用管gizmo, gadget, widget是什麼, 可以把它簡化, 想成A,B,C)

3)Which one is the laughing gas?

(中) 下面哪一個是笑氣?

4) What is the chemical symbol for gold?

(中) 金的化學元素符號是什麼?

5) Which planet is known as the "Morning Star" or "Evening Star" and is often visible just after sunset or before sunrise?

(中) 哪一個星球又叫晨星或晚星?

6) What is the largest ocean in the world?

(中) 世界上最大的海洋是哪一個?

7) In a certain code language, "APPLE" is written as "BQQMF." Using the same code, what is the code for "ORANGE"?

(中) 如果APPLE用一套字碼系統表示, 會是BQQMF, 請問同樣字碼系統來表示ORANGE會是下面哪個?

8) A well is 20 feet deep. A snail at the bottom climbs up 4 feet each day and slips back 2 feet each night. How many days will it take the snail to reach the top of the well?

(中) 有一口20呎深的井, 井底有條蛇, 蛇每天可以往上爬4呎,到晚上會往下滑2呎. 請問蛇會花幾天時間達到井的頂邊?(如果這題你錯了, 答案說明如下)

Ans: On the first day, the snail climbs up 4 feet and slips back 2 feet, so it is now 2 feet up the well (18 feet to go). From the second day onwards, the snail effectively climbs 2 feet per day (4 feet up during the day and 2 feet down at night). Now, let's see how many more days it will take to reach the top: 18 feet / 2 feet per day = 9 days. However, on the 9th day, the snail will climb up 4 feet during the day and reach the top of the well, so it won't slip back down at night. Therefore, it will take a total of 1 (first day) + 8 (remaining days) = 9 days for the snail to reach the top of the well.

9) Who wrote the novel "Pride and Prejudice"?

(中) 傲慢與徧見的作者是哪位?

10) Which of the following is NOT a prime number?

(中) 下面哪個不是質數?

11) Who developed the theory of relativity?

(中) 誰發明相對論?

12) Which country is the largest producer of coffee in the world?

(中) 哪個國家是最大咖啡生產國?

13) What is the square root of 169?

(中) 169是哪個數字的平方?

14) If you rearrange the letters "CARET," you can form a word that means "small quantities." What word is it?

(中) 把CARET五個英文字母重新調整位置, 變成一個單字, 而且這個單字要有"微量/數量少"的意思

15) What is the sum of all the angles in a triangle?

(中) 三角形的內角總和為多少?

16) In which year did Christopher Columbus first arrive in the Americas?

(中) 哥倫布是哪一年發現新大陸?

17) Which gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere and use in photosynthesis?

(中) 植物會吸收大氣中哪一種氣體進行光合作用?

做完測驗, 他們會給你一個簡單的評論. 這純粹好玩, 有閒時間再玩.

