2023年11月8日 星期三


這是某天早上我在 Insight Timer APP 裡聽到的一則短寓言, 說故事的人詮譯得極好, 配樂也讚, 短短約一分鐘的故事, 獲得許多好評.

這裡是它的連結(電腦網路版不需要APP), 抱歉,我不確定手機連結是否不用下載 APP 就可以聽. 下面簡述故事大概內容, 你可以直接聽故事不用看內容, 我建議不管英文能力如何都可以先聽聽看, 聽一遍不懂就看下面文字, 再回來就聽它個五遍, 十遍. 一定會聽得懂.

A big, tough samurai once approached a little monk in the street.


He barked, in a voice accustomed to instant obedience.

"Teach me about heaven and hell!"

一位魁梧的武士在路上遇到一個小和尚, 他走過去, 對著和尚用命令的口吻, 不客氣地大聲說:

"和尚, 來教我天堂與地獄!"

The monk looked up at the mighty warrior and replied with utter disdain,
"I can't teach anything. You're too stupid. You're an embarrassment to your samurai class. Get out of my sight."

小和尚直視著武士, 語帶鄙視回答:
"我沒辦法教你什麼. 你太笨了, 你是武士裡的恥辱. 滾開我的視線."

The samurai got furious. He raged, pulled out his sword, and prepared to slay the monk.

武士憤怒地拔出劍, 準備要殺和尚.

"That is hell."


"這 就是地獄."

The samurai froze, realizing the compassion of the monk who had risked his life to teach him hell! Hefell to his knees, filled with gratitude."

武士愣了一下, 領悟到和尚和尚冒著生命的危險在教他何謂地獄. 於是謙卑地跪了下來, 滿懷感激.

"And that is heaven."


"這 就是天堂."


這則寓言故事寓意不難, 內容並沒有很特別, 但說故事的人詮釋得太好了, 所以要推薦~


