2023年11月23日 星期四


上週我姊姊當阿嬤了, 這表示我晉升為姨婆等級了. 其實如果我有結婚, 也該當嬤了.

好久沒自拍檢視自己的背肌了(懶得拍), 上週五在健身房做飛鳥機時突然想到, 既然飛鳥機就在鏡子前面, 就趁機拍一下背肌吧! 從照片看起來, 肌肉沒有退化太多. 

最近我在攝取蛋白質上做了點改變, 在停吃乳清蛋白粉 6 年多後, 我又開始吃了(在原本的三餐/食量不變下多吃兩次蛋白粉-每次20克), 到目前有超過一個月了, 從每週固定一次的肌肉體脂紀錄來看, 並沒有很大的改變. 這表示乳清蛋白是吃心酸的?! 其實很早以前我就這樣認為, 所以後來就停用; 別人問我有沒有吃蛋白粉時我都坦白講我覺得沒差, 至少對我而言. 但我最近就是想做點改變, 想吃點奶味. 過陣子我應該就又會停用吧. 

[註]乳清蛋白是否有效一事真要探究其實有點複雜, 你要考慮的不只是攝取的部分, 肌肉破壞(也就是重量訓練)的部分也是一併考慮才是, 所以我不是說它沒有效, 而是以我的運動與飲食狀況, 攝取它並沒有顯著的效果.

都說身體每餐只能吸收 20 克的蛋白質, 吃多過也無助增長肌肉. 是這樣嗎?

其實身體吸收蛋白質上限不只 20 克, 而是蛋白質經吸收消化分解成氨基酸傳到血液裡後, 被來拿合成肌肉有極限, 你鬥不過身體的, 我們人體不會因為你一直往血液裡輸送氨基酸就一直合成肌肉, 我們人體是一個非常精密/有效率的有機體, 它只會合成它需要的. 至於該攝取多少, 該何時攝取, 該如何分配一天幾次? 有興趣的人可以看下面這個影片(有字幕). 我是很怕麻煩的人, 所以不想在吃飯前還要計算這些, 我都是憑感覺在吃東西, 吃是我人生人最大的慰藉之一, 絕對不能委曲.

2023年11月20日 星期一

猜對 保性命

四位囚犯面向同一方向排隊, 第一位囚犯A與其他三位囚犯被一道堅固的磚牆隔開來.

每一位囚犯都戴著一頂帽子, 四頂帽子中兩頂是黑色, 兩頂是白色, 但沒有人知道自己戴什麼顏色的帽子, 也不允許彼此交談, 回頭, 或換位. 他們只能站在原地往前面看.

題目來了, 每位囚犯都會被處決, 除非他在十分鐘內答對他所戴帽子的顏色.

請問, 是哪一位囚犯逃過一劫(答對顏色)? 答案在下面這段原文題目後面.

The “four hat” riddle

Also called the “prisoner hat” riddle, the “four hat” riddle begins with four prisoners who have all been lined up, one behind the other and all facing in the same direction. The first (prisoner A) has been separated from the others by an impenetrable brick wall. The others (prisoners B, C and D) have all been lined up facing the brick wall. Each of the prisoners is wearing a hat. Two of the hats are white, and two are black, but no one knows the color of his own hat.

Now, here’s the sinister kicker: All the prisoners will be killed unless one calls out the correct color of his own hat within 10 minutes. The prisoners are not allowed to confer with one another, nor are they allowed to move around or change position.

Fortunately for all, just before the stopwatch strikes 10 minutes, one prisoner correctly calls out the color of his own hat. Your job, should you accept the challenge of the “four hat” riddle, is to figure out which prisoner it was.

答案是: C 囚犯

如果沒有猜對, 原文說明如下, 若不想看原文, 請跳到最後面的中文說明.

The explanation

As vexing as it might seem, the “four hats” riddle can be solved using the process of elimination. And two of the prisoners (prisoners A and B) can be eliminated right off the bat. That’s because neither can see any of the other prisoners, so neither possesses any information with which to make an educated guess.

That leaves just prisoners C and D.

Prisoner D might seem the obvious choice because he can see the hats of both prisoners C and B in front of him, whereas prisoner C can see only the hat of prisoner B. Indeed, if prisoners B and C were wearing the same color hat, then prisoner D would have known immediately that he was wearing the other color. However, in this scenario, prisoners B and C are wearing different colored hats. Seeing this, prisoner D, in effect, has no more information than prisoners A and B. Accordingly, he too is left in the position of being unable to make an educated guess.

As for prisoner C, prisoner D’s silence is all the information he needs. Had prisoner C and prisoner B been wearing the same color hat, prisoner C surmises, then surely prisoner D would have piped up with the answer already. Accordingly, at the end of the 10 minutes, prisoner C deduces that he and prisoner B must be wearing different color hats. And since prisoner C can see that Prisoner B is wearing a white hat, then prisoner C knows that he must be wearing a black hat.


先用用刪去法, A 與 B 一定不會知道自己戴了什麼顏色的帽子, 所以刪掉 A 跟 B.

D 乍看是最有可能答對的人, 但 D 沒出聲, 這給了 C 很重要的資訊, C 看得到 B 戴白色帽子, 如果C 跟 B 戴相同顏色的帽子, D 一定馬上可以答出來, 所以 C 知道自己一定是戴黑色帽子.

2023年11月8日 星期三


這是某天早上我在 Insight Timer APP 裡聽到的一則短寓言, 說故事的人詮譯得極好, 配樂也讚, 短短約一分鐘的故事, 獲得許多好評.

這裡是它的連結(電腦網路版不需要APP), 抱歉,我不確定手機連結是否不用下載 APP 就可以聽. 下面簡述故事大概內容, 你可以直接聽故事不用看內容, 我建議不管英文能力如何都可以先聽聽看, 聽一遍不懂就看下面文字, 再回來就聽它個五遍, 十遍. 一定會聽得懂.

A big, tough samurai once approached a little monk in the street.


He barked, in a voice accustomed to instant obedience.

"Teach me about heaven and hell!"

一位魁梧的武士在路上遇到一個小和尚, 他走過去, 對著和尚用命令的口吻, 不客氣地大聲說:

"和尚, 來教我天堂與地獄!"

The monk looked up at the mighty warrior and replied with utter disdain,
"I can't teach anything. You're too stupid. You're an embarrassment to your samurai class. Get out of my sight."

小和尚直視著武士, 語帶鄙視回答:
"我沒辦法教你什麼. 你太笨了, 你是武士裡的恥辱. 滾開我的視線."

The samurai got furious. He raged, pulled out his sword, and prepared to slay the monk.

武士憤怒地拔出劍, 準備要殺和尚.

"That is hell."


"這 就是地獄."

The samurai froze, realizing the compassion of the monk who had risked his life to teach him hell! Hefell to his knees, filled with gratitude."

武士愣了一下, 領悟到和尚和尚冒著生命的危險在教他何謂地獄. 於是謙卑地跪了下來, 滿懷感激.

"And that is heaven."


"這 就是天堂."


這則寓言故事寓意不難, 內容並沒有很特別, 但說故事的人詮釋得太好了, 所以要推薦~