2023年8月15日 星期二



如題, 這個智力測驗只有3題, 真的很短, 但很容易讓人太快回答, 而且答錯.

其實這個測驗是一個認知反應測試(Cognitive Reflection Test), 是在 2005 年由心理學家 Shane  Frederick 所設計, 旨在測試你 能有條不紊地處理資訊的能力, 而不是像一般智力測驗那樣快速回答. 當年經過測驗許多學校(包含一流學府如哈佛, 耶魯等)的學生, 統計出只有 17% 的學生全答對. 來測一下吧!


A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

一根球棒與一顆球的總價是1.1元, 球棒比球貴1元, 請問這顆球多少錢?


If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

五台機器用 5 分鐘做岀 5 個小部件, 請問100 台機器要做出100個小部件要多少時間?


In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

湖面上有一撮水蓮葉, 水蓮葉每天會擴增一倍(也就是面積變double), 如果蓮葉用了48天把整片湖面佈滿, 請問它要佈滿半片湖面要幾天?







第一題: 5分(5 cents)

很多人答10分(也就是 0.1 元), 如果是10分的話, 球棒就會是 1.1 元, 球棒加球就會是 1.2 元而不是1.1元.

If you guessed 10 cents, you’re not alone. However, if that were the case, the bat and ball would cost $1.20—not $1.10. On the other hand, a 5-cent ball and a bat priced at $1.05 (which is $1 more than 5 cents) would total $1.10.

第二題: 5分鐘.

五台機器用了5分鐘做岀5個部件, 所以一台機器做出1個部件是 5 分鐘, 於是100 台機器也是用5分鐘做出100 個部件.

Although you might have answered 100 minutes, the actual time is less than that. Since the question reveals that it would take 5 minutes for 1 widget machine to make 1 widget, you can determine that it would also take 5 minutes for 100 widget machines to make 100 widgets.

第三題: 47天.

很多人答24天, 不對喔! 記住, 蓮葉每天倍增, 既然它佈滿整片湖是 48 天, 那麼長滿一半湖面只要再減一天即可, 所以答案是47天.

Although you might have answered 100 minutes, the actual time is less than that. Since the question reveals that it would take 5 minutes for 1 widget machine to make 1 widget, you can determine that it would also take 5 minutes for 100 widget machines to make 100 widgets.

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