2023年3月14日 星期二


以前還有在參加 Toastmaster 時, Grammian 是我最喜歡的任務, 應該是我本性有雞蛋裡挑骨頭的特性吧, 我就是喜歡英文文法除錯. 今天看到讀者文摘有篇文章列了 13 題高中文法容易出錯的題目. 來測驗看看. (文長, 不喜歡英文的人請跳過)

第一題, 以下 A,B,C 中哪一句才是下方這句的正確寫法?

[題目] “The kids who meet up at the playground to play on the swings, climb on the jungle gym, and try the monkey bars.”

A. The kids who meet up at the playground, play on the swings, climb on the jungle gym, and try the monkey bars.

B. The kids meet up at the playground to play on the swings, climb on the jungle gym, and try the monkey bars.

C. The kids meeting up at the playground to play on the swings, climb on the jungle gym, and try the monkey bars.




A句的問題在於 who 已形成一子句, 子句內有主詞卻沒有動詞, 是個不完整子句, 若把 who 刪掉就OK.

第二題, 下面哪一句文法錯誤?

A. Me and my sister went to see our little brother’s high school graduation.

B. John and I are going to treat you all to dinner tonight.

C. Can you meet Sarah and me at Target later?




A 句的 me 改成 I 就對了.
C 句用 me 是正確的, 因為前面有及物動詞 meet, 而不是因為在 and 後面的關係.

第三題, 下面哪一句的逗號用得正確?

A. No, I don’t think it’s a good idea to start your essay the day before it’s due.

B. I ate an ice cream cone, and a piece of cake.

C. I’m bringing my favorite snacks, bug spray and a beach chair.




這題我覺得現在已經漸漸在改變了; 但我們還是照常規來寫.  
如果以正統文法來講, 要提列兩樣東西時用 and , 無需放逗號, 提列三樣(及三項以上)東西時, 前面幾項用逗號分開, 最後一項的前面用 and, 並且 and 前面要放逗號.(所以 B 與 C 是錯的). 
回答 Yes 或 No時, 若後面有接著說明的話, Yes/No 後面就要放逗號, 再做說明. 所以 A 是對的.

第四題, 下面哪句的撇號(')用得正確?

A. Please pick up some banana’s at the grocery store.

B. Who’s cell phone is on the table here?

C. Please fill the cats’ food bowl—Tiger and Fluffy won’t stop meowing at me!




A句的 ' 是多餘的, 拿掉它句子就對了. B的who's 是 who is 的縮寫, 如果用唸的你會以為 B 正確, 其實是錯的, who's 改成whose 就對了.

第五題, 下面哪句的(數)量詞用法錯誤?

A. I finished the race in less time than I did last year.

B. He scored less points than I did in Pac-Man.

C. There are fewer cookies than there were yesterday; do you know anything about that?




 less 跟 few 都有 少 的意思, 但 less 是用來形容不可數名詞, few 則是用來可數名詞. time 不可數所以A錯誤, 分數及餅乾可數, 所以 B, C 對.

第六題, 下面這個句子錯誤處是 A, B, 或 C 的哪一個?

[題目] It’s actually more challenging to catch a fish with a net than catching one with a fishing rod.

A. It’s

B. More challenging

C. Catching




這是在測平行/對稱結構句的概念, 由 than 連接的前後兩個句子沒有平行(對稱), than 前面是 to catch..., 所以後面的 catching 也要改成 to catch 才對.

第七題, 下面這句應改成A, B, 或C的哪句才是正確的?

[題目] “Attracting thousands of visitors every year, people who go to Disney World love its incomparable theme park experience.”

A. Attracting thousands of visitors every year, Disney World is beloved for its incomparable theme park experience.

B. Attracting thousands of visitors every year, people go to Disney World for its incomparable theme park experience.

C. Disney World attracts thousands of visitors every year, people who go to Disney World love its incomparable theme park experience.




看這種句子首先要弄清楚句子的主詞, 題目句的主詞是 people, 而放在句首的現在分詞(Attracting...)應該是用來形容主詞的, 但題目句句首所提的這件事(每年吸引成千上萬遊客)卻由 Disney World 做的, 所以A才是對的.

第八題, 下面哪句的引號("")用得正確?

A. He asked me, “Do you believe in ghosts”?

B. I could hear her yelling “This place is awesome!” from all the way across the campground.

C. The lemonade stand on Fifth and Main has the “best” lemonade!




A句如果把問號放入引號裡面就正確了. C 的引號是用來強調 best 這個字, 但引號的功能不是用來強調事物的. 所以 C 不 對.

第九題, 下面哪句的分號(;)用得正確?

A. We’re going to the beach tomorrow; so you should pack your bathing suit.

B. I’m going to bring chips; Oreos, my favorite type of cookie; and lemonade.

C. The beach, which is called Mayflower; is supposed to be one of the nicest ones on Cape Cod.





A 與 C 中的分號當對等連接詞用, 用來分隔地位相等的兩個句子.  

A中的 "so you should pack your bathing suit" 是從屬子句, 跟前面那句(We’re going to the beach tomorrow)不對等, 如果把分號改成逗號就對了. 

C 句中的"is supposed to be one of the nicest ones on Cape Cod" 少了主詞, 如果把分號改成逗號就對了.

B 中的分號不當對等連接詞使用, 而是當作跟第三題的逗號相同功用來使用, 前面說用逗號來排列一系列事物. 那何時要用逗號, 何時要用分號呢? 當要羅列的事物當中有逗號存在就需要用分號, 以免混淆. B句要羅列的有 chips, orios, 以及 lemonade, 只是 oreos 特別用了",my favorite type of cookie"來形容.

第十題, 下面敍述對或錯?
[題目] “I.e.” is an abbreviation that means “for example,” and you use it to introduce a list.
中文: i.e.是"for example"(舉例)的縮寫, 是用來引進/放進一系列名單/清單.



"i.e."不是"for example"的縮寫, 而是 "that is" 或 "in other words"的縮寫, 用來說明/解釋前面的句子(或文字).
  1. I have been grounded (i.e., no TV, no visiting) so I won't be able to make it to your party tomorrow.
  2. The hotel is closed during low season, i.e., from October to March.
 [註] "i.e."後面要加逗號(,)

第十一題, 下面哪句正確?

A. He carefully laid the painting on the table to inspect it.

B. She lied down in her room to unwind after her workout.

C. They told their dog to go lay down so he wouldn’t bother the guests.


這題是在考 lay 與 lie 的區別,
Lay 的意思是放置/擺放, 過去式是laid, lay 是及物動詞, 後面要有受詞.
Lie 當動詞的話, 是平躺的意思, 其過去式是 lay, B 句中的 lied 是說謊(lie)的過去式. 所以B句不對.
C句叫狗躺下來是現在式 lie down 才對, 因為前面有 go, 是現在式, go lie down 其實是 go and lie down, 只是and 省略掉了.

第十二題, 指出句子中哪個才是連接詞.
[題目] There are lots of flowers in the park; however, you can see them only at certain times of the year.
A. In

B. However

C. Only



A 是介系詞, C 是副詞, 用來形容" at a certain times"

第十三題, 下面哪句正確?

A. There’s a sneak peak of the new movie being released tomorrow!

B. The show is now in its seventh successful year on Broadway.

C. She’s training everyday so that she’ll be ready to run the marathon.




A句的 peak 改成 peek 就對了.(peak是頂峰的意思, peek是窺視,一瞥的意思)

C 句的 everyday 是形容詞, 應該是 every day (副詞) 才對, 因為是用來形容 動詞 training


