2022年5月4日 星期三

Fitness isn't everything.


Fitness isn't everything, but everything is harder if you aren't fit.

健身非必要, 但如果你不fit, 事情會變得難一些.

Some days, fitness isn't training, though. It's resting and relaxing and rejuvenating. Some days the work is internal and not external. Don't let this make you feel ashamed or frustrated. A healthy and sustainable regimen isn't a merry-go-round. It's a seesaw.

有時, fitness不見得是訓練, 而是休息, 放鬆, 及復原. 有時你需要的不是外在的努力, 而是內在的反思. 所以沒有必要讓健身把自己搞得很挫敗. 健康, 持久的養生法則並不像旋轉木馬, 反而像蹺蹺板.

So, when you're feeling out of sorts because of poor sleep, nutrition, or some other reason best known to Lord Cthulhu, sometimes it's better to do a different (easier) workout or take the day off rather than gut it out.

所以, 當你因為睡不好, 吃不好, 或其它因素造成身體不舒服或心情不太好時, 最好做點比平常輕鬆的運動或甚至給自己放一天假, 不要硬逼自己做訓練.

Similarly, sometimes you should say no to the ice cream and feel proud, and sometimes you should say yes and feel satisfied. There are no universal dietary rights or wrongs, only circumstances and compatibilities. Your judgment counts.

同樣的, 有時候你該對罪惡食物(如冰淇淋)說 no 並感到自豪, 有時你卻該對它說 yes, 並感到滿足. 這世上沒有絕對 對或錯的飲食, 都要視外在環境與自己當時的狀況而定. 而這, 只有你能決定.

Reject diet and exercise dogmas, too. Fitness advice should be viewed in the same way as suggestions about where to buy groceries or what type of shoes to wear. Even the best pointers have a healthy dose of opinion and preference, so don't forget to weigh your own intuitions and inclinations.

不要一味接受飲食/健身教條, 必要時 拒絕它. 健身建議應該被當作像採買生活用品或購買鞋子一樣看待. 即使最好的建議都難免摻了個人主觀意見或喜好, 所以別忘了你是有自由意志的, 你可以依自己的直覺或喜好去決定.

以上是我今天看到的一篇電子報文章的前三分之二(剩下的三分之一是發文者的一對一健身課程廣告), 我看了深有同感(最近每次去健身房都有人會問我要怎麼做得像我一樣, 明明對我而言很平常的事情, 我卻被問到都懷疑自己是不是正常人), 隨手翻譯了一下(如果能看原文就看原文, 會更有感覺), 希望這篇能讓此刻正感到挫敗的你稍微好過一點.

