2015年1月7日 星期三

Potential : The 5 Pillars to Unlock Excellence


這本書不厚,作者懂得講重點,我的Kindle 裡下載了很多書是看到一半就沒看下去的,因為很多書會用很多篇幅重覆講述一個重點,但這本書沒有這個毛病,所以我大概只花3~4天左右就看完了。

1.    Life is hard
§   Your life is defined by your actions.
§   Hardships make you better.
§   Willpower & habits are vehicle for achievement.
§   What’s underneath the surface matters.

2.    Happiness is a decision
§   Achievement has nothing to do with happiness.
§   Happiness is not in the future.
§   Happiness is a decision on how to feel in each moment.
§   Expectation breed hunger within.

3.    Satisfaction is a process
§   Satisfaction comes from achievement and hard work.
§   Falling in love with the process is all about embracing steps B through Y.
§   Set micro goals and be diligent with your rest time.
§   Be the hero of your own movie.
§   Find the beauty in your work.

4.    Social intelligence is a necessity
§   You can’t please everyone.
§   Be loud within.
§   Make your success look effortless.
§   Establish humble confidence.

5.    The path is not linear
§   Quitting doesn’t define your future.
§   Gain competency to never feel guilt.
§   Life flows in season.

由章節名稱就知道作者不會為了增加銷售量而講唬哢人的話,反而是很實際但又不是很難做到。我就是看了這本書才下定決心去跑25Km 的公益路跑;當初報名後我的盤算是跨年我要去台中,就拿這個當藉口,跟教練講我可能回不來,沒想到我卻是提早收假回高雄,而且很開心去跑這場路跑。當然,結果也很令我振奮。


