2013年7月28日 星期日



Kenneth W. Davis所寫的Manage Your Writing這本免費電子書的第十章: Translate into English – Make Your Words Simple裡解釋了為何商業及政府法規、學術文章總是讓人讀不下去。要瞭解原因需要大概知道英文的演進,尤其是西元1066年發生的一件事。西元1066年法國諾曼第公爵威廉發兵英格蘭,英國淪為法國統治(此稱為Norman Conquest)。在此之前英國居民大多數是日耳曼民族,講的是日耳曼語Germanic Language,即所謂的古英文。英國被法國統治後拉丁語Latinate Language(一種早期的法語形式)於是成為官方語言。在接下來的幾個世紀,這兩種語系同時存在於英國,即中期英語(Middle English)。兩者分別明顯,Norman French主要用在政府及商業等官方語言,Germanic Language則是一般人民日常生活用的語言。隨著文藝復興運動從南歐擴散至英國,越來越多的拉丁字Latinate Words融入英文,就是現代英文。



● converse / talk
● frequently / often
● proceed / go
● require / need
● initial / first
● dispatch / send
● depart / leave
● discover / find


Kenneth W. Davis並不是要大家都捨棄那些看起來比較有學養的文字,但如果一段文字(或整本書)充滿了大量源自拉丁語的英文就會變成讓讀者很難讀。閱讀是一種雙向的活動,如果讀者讀不下去,再美的文字都失去意義。



The Privacy Act of 1974 provides that each Federal
Agency inform individuals, whom it asks to supply
information, of the authority for the solicitation of
the information and whether disclosure of such
information is mandatory or voluntary; the
principal purpose or purposes for which the
information is to be used; the routine uses which
may be made of the information; and the effects on
the individual of not providing the requested
information. This notification applies to the U.S.
Individual Income Tax Returns, to declarations of
estimated tax, to U.S. Gift Tax returns, and to any
other tax return required to be filed by an
individual, and to schedules, statements, or other
documents related to the returns, and any
subsequent inquiries necessary to complete, correct,
and process the returns of taxpayers, to determine
the correct tax liability and to collect any unpaid
tax, interest, or penalty.

1976年,Jimmy Carter當選美國總統,簡化公文是他當時的改革之一,於是1977年版的1974隱私權法案改寫如下(非常簡單明瞭),

The Privacy Act of 1974 says that each Federal
agency that asks you for information must tell you
the following:
1. Its legal right to ask for the information and
whether the law says you must give it.
2. What purpose the agency has in asking for it, and
the use to which it will be put.
3. What could happen if you do not give it.
For the Internal Revenue Service, the law covers
the following:
1. Tax returns and any papers you file with them.
2. Any questions we need to ask you so we can—(a)
complete, correct, or process your returns, (b)
figure your tax, and (c) collect tax, interest, or

1976 / 1977
provides / says 
inform / tell 
individuals / you 
authority / right 
solicit / ask 
provide / give 
effects / what could happen 
inquire / ask 

下載《Manage Your WritingPDF檔,請連結  http://prosperosbooks.typepad.com/manageyourwriting/ManageYourWriting3_0.pdf

