2013年2月19日 星期二

Kick your fat in the nuts

T.C. Hale原本是一位喜劇演員,2004年,他的聲帶出了問題,無法發聲。對一位喜劇演員來說,事態嚴重。他看了一位又一位的醫生(一共23位),花了七年的時間,大把的金錢(10萬美金!! 天吶,三百萬台幣ㄟ! 老外是隨便都拿得出上百萬的嗎?),問題還是沒解決。於是他痛下心決定不再把健康交給別人,自己要把問題搞清楚。後來他不只找出自己的問題癥結,並因此發展出一番新事業-他不僅出書教人了解自己的身體是如何運作(包括如何正確睡眠,排泄,減重),並成為natural health practitioner(自然療法從業者?),在營利方面,他親自指導學生解決身體遇到的問題(這些問題都是造成肥胖的原因);非營利方面,他每個月透過網路在超過三十五的國家對相關從事人員教授有關營養及健康的資訊。

以上講的這位是真實人物,非虛構。他就是我目前在看的“Kick your fat in the nuts”一書作者。從書名會以為這是本教人減重的書,其實不是,這是本教你如何活得更健康的書,而副作用呢,則是會減掉多餘的體重(脂肪)。我沒想到要減肥,不是說我有多完美,而是我接受現在的自己,但我相信對於人體內部是如何運作,我所知甚少。所以在某天剛好看到Amazon 網站上這本書Kindle 版在免費,當然不能錯過。(不過即使不是免費,這本書也不貴,不到台幣200元


雖然作者是位natural health practitioner,他並不是主張醫藥無用論,只是他認為一般人往往太相信醫生,只要身體一有問題就急著找醫生把症狀消除掉。問題是症狀消除掉了,你身體的問題解決了嗎?作者也不是要你質疑醫生,大部份的醫生都是好人,都想幫助病人,但你是否想過整個醫療體系(含醫學院)背後主要是由誰在掌控?看看下面這段作者公開在網站上,希望大家都知道的資訊。(尤其是紅字部份)

With that in mind, here’s the piece of information I came across again and again while I was trying to figure out why each doctor and each medication was making me worse instead of better. This is the piece of information that woke me up to the realization that it was time to put my health back into my own hands. Not that I didn’t still need help from health professionals, but that I would become a player in the process of understanding what my options really were and what would be best for me. Here it is: The vast majority of curricula that are taught in medical schools in this country were put together by organizations that were founded by, or are funded by, pharmaceutical companies. Read that again.

So let me get this straight… The people who make the most money from our being sick are the same people who are teaching our doctors how to make us “healthy?”



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