2012年9月1日 星期六

Sh*t My Dad Says & I Suck at Girls

Justin 的爸爸是個滿嘴shit/ fuck 的機車老男人。Oops!不對,Justin的爸爸是個講話很直,不拐彎抹角的可愛老爸。

想當編劇卻一直在L.A. 的餐廳端盤子的Justin Halpern 因為失戀而搬回父母家住,為了轉移失戀情緒而開始在Twitter記錄他爸爸所講的話,卻意外紅了起來,紅到出了書《Sh*t My Dad Say》,而且書還大賣,接著他又出了第二本書《I Suck at Girls》,一樣大受歡迎。


由於是新手作家敍述自家故事,所以用語上非常生活化,在此分享一個我從書中學到的動詞片語-make out;想像一下,除了有“成功、達到”的意思外,make out還可以是什麼?

Make out也可以是長時間接吻,算是很生活化的用法,看看以下的例子

…, and before I knew it we’d been hanging out and making out for about a month. I’d made out with a few girls before her, but I’d never had a consistent make-out partner.

I’m not sure. We just kind of only make out, and rent movies and watch them and don’t really talk a bunch. I like her, though. She’s cool.

You’ve been hanging out with her a lot, dude. If you like her, you should just ask her if she’s your girlfriend, because if she is, you guys should be having sex, not making out,

2 則留言:

  1. 我的老爸鬼話連篇

  2. 嘿,a xue,謝謝你告訴我這本書的中文書名,有朋友問我有沒有中文版呢!
