2011年2月9日 星期三

Warrior of the Light

這是我看過最快的一本原文書(或許不能說是原文,原文應該是西班牙文),花了我不到半天的時間。原因是它不厚,文字簡單,而且以一頁一短篇的方式書寫而成,非常容易讀。作者Paulo Coelho,他最有名的作品應該是《The Alchemist》,中文書名《少年牧羊奇幻之旅》。(題外話:我覺得把“The Alchemist”翻成“少年牧羊奇幻之旅”實在很妙)《Warrior of The Light》尚未有中文版,網路書店在作介紹時大都把它翻成《光明戰士》,雖然乍聽之下很像什麼線上遊戲的主角,但也算貼切啦!


上面這段是擷自網路上的簡介。這樣的介紹,算是貼近本書。一開始看這本書我有點失望,因此把它晾在一邊,最近再把它拿起來看,邊讀就邊產生了興趣。說對它失望是因為和《The Alchemist》比起來,你會覺得這也未免太容易了,其故事性沒有《The Alchemist》強,而一篇篇的短篇讀起來還有點像我們常收到的一些有關人生智慧的e-mail。它的序言與收場是一個故事(這樣的結構和我很喜歡的《乞丐國王的時光指環》很像),中間就是一篇篇的短篇。


A Warrior of the Light knows that certain moments repeat themselves.

他對自己的心說: “這一切我以前都遇到過啊!”



The Warrior of the Light knows how to lose.

當光明戰士遇挫敗時不會講諸如“喔,這對我來講一點不重要”或是“老實說,我並沒有那麼想要它/獲勝”,他會面對挫敗,不管是受傷,失落,或是被朋友離棄,他對自己說:“為了它,我奮力抗爭,但沒有成功。這埸戰役我失敗了。”他從這些話得到了力量,他知道沒有人永遠贏,他知道了如何從失敗中區別成功(he know s how to distinguish his successes from his failures)

When somebody wants something, the whole Universe conspires in their favor. The Warrior of the Light knows this.

For this reason, he takes great care with his thoughts. Hidden beneath a whole series of good intensions lies feeling that no one dares confess to himself: vengeance, self-destruction, guilt, fear of winning, a macabre joy at other people’s tragedies.

The Universe does not judge; it conspires in favor of what he wants. That is why the Warrior has the courage to look into the dark places of is soul in order to ensure that he is not asking for the wrong things.

And he is always very careful about what he thinks.


The Warrior knows that the most important words in all languages are small words.

Yes. Love. God.

They are words that are easy enough to say and which fill vast empty spaces.

There is, however, one word-another small word –that many people have great difficulty in saying: no.

Someone who never says “no,” thinks of himself as generous, understanding, polite, because “no” is thought of as being nasty, selfish, unspiritual.

The Warrior does not fall into this trap. There are times when, in saying “yes” to others, he is actually saying “no” to himself.

That is why he never says “yes” with his lips if, in his heart, he is saying “no.”


仔細看書封面,在書名下方有兩個字“A MANUAL”。所以說這本書是一本手冊,不管在何時何地,都可以翻開任何一篇來讀,感想呢…,則視你當下的心情/處境會有所改變。

