2011年1月5日 星期三


Street smart vs. Book smart

Street smart,街頭的智慧是什麼樣的智慧?是指課堂上學不到的事。

• Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe; having the knowledge and experiences needed to survive 知道如何讓自己遠離危險或麻煩,生存能力高人一等。

Street smart可以當形容詞,形容人有生存的本事,也可以當名詞,複數加S,最初指的是在貧民區危險街頭的生存智慧。之後也用在很大城市生存需要的 street smarts。像不走暗巷、不隨便攔計程車、不要讓陌生人跟進電梯等等,都算是street smarts。後來也適用於形容一個人EQ高或識時務。

• "I never got a chance to go to college. My dad died when I was fourteen, and I had to go to work selling hotdogs out of a pushcart on a street corner. But this taught me lots of street smarts, and today I own a chain of fast-food restaurants in sixteen different cities."

既然有street smart,當然就有它的相反詞,book smart!顧名思義,是knowledge from reading很會讀書,書本教出來的聰明,就是書呆子。

• Try to be more "street smart" than "book smart."一位有實際生活經驗而機警生存頭腦的人要比死讀書的人好些。

