2010年12月29日 星期三


我們公司有位高階主管自視甚高,講話很不客氣,或許有人覺得都當到這麼高的職務了,講話也不用客氣,但這位高階主管曾當面罵一位同事是“笨色”(垃圾的台語),我認為這人的修養真的欠培養。今天這位愛罵人的主管寫了一封e-mail,無聊的我看到他的e-mail 就很想好好地給他批一下。


To accelerate our promotion speed on new products line, we will send by email on our new products flyer information to your account customers by Mike. We will send attached flyer with 新年賀卡. Anyone of you will 自願 製做新年賀卡for this or recommend one for us? We are appreciated your kindly helps.
The first mail to your customers is on Brand A products line. The flyer is as above attached.

To accelerate our promotion speed on new products line,
這句子好囉嗦,直接用to speed up the promotion….取代to accelerate our promotion speed不就好了嗎?

we will send by email on our new products flyer information to your account customers by Mike
這在寫什麼啊?如果沒有後面的by Mike 還勉強ok,但加了by Mike 就不通啦!
Mike will e-mail our new product flyer to your account customer,e-mail可以當動詞(e-mail或email都可以,看個人喜好及勤勞度,但我想將來會越來越多人用email,因為可以少打一個破折號),不用再send by email,多累贅啊!

We will send attached flyer with 新年賀卡.
新年賀卡是New Year eCards(因為是電子賀卡,所以還是用eCards比較好),書寫英文句子中夾雜中文是最讓我詬病的(你誰啊!誰管你詬病不詬病啊!)

Anyone of you will 自願 製做新年賀卡for this or recommend one for us?
Will anyone of you volunteer to make/create the New Year eCard for us?

We are appreciated your kindly helps.
不該用被動式(are appreciated)卻用了, 形容名詞(help)該用形容詞(kind)他卻用了副詞(kindly), 不可數名詞(help)卻加了s.

如果覺得一定要用kind才能表達感謝之意,那就We appreciate your kind help. 但我覺得這是脫褲子放屁,簡潔一點We appreciate your help. 即可。
如果堅持要用被動式,可用Your help will be appreciated. 但個人認為被動式少用為妙,因為被動式是一種不負責,沒作為的表現方式,除非不得已(例如你不知道是誰做了該動作),否則少用。

The flyer is as above attached. <--這是什麼? 是不是The flyer is attached.或The flyer is as the attachment.比較通一點? 正式一點可以用The flyer is attached herewith. 但這樣很做作又累贅。

4 則留言:

  1. 『Johnson will e-mail our new product flyer to you account customer』

    請問是your account customer嗎?還是you呢?

  2. 咖哩,

  3. 同意你的說法,但有太多這類不中不英長氣又唔識表達的所謂高層存在:(

  4. antleeli,
